WPF stands for Windows Presentation Foundation. Microsoft stops development for windows forms. Using the WPF we can develop windows applications. A new mark up language XAML has been introduced in the WPF and it is pronounced as zammel. Using the XAML we can design the from easily. Following are the advantages using WPF over windows forms.

1) Using the new mark up language XAML we can design the form very easily. It is simply with XML tags.

2) WPF uses the vector graphics where as the windows forms uses scalar graphics so that if we increase the width or height of an image or video the quality of an image/video is reduced in the windows forms but in the WPF not like this as it is using the vector graphics.

3) In WPF built in animation classes are available for developing animation applications where as in the windows forms no built-in classes are available in the windows forms. If there is any such animation requirement in the windows forms we were achieved it through the timer control.

4) In WPF every control is a container control. So we can place one control in another control like image control can be placed inside the textbox control or dropdown control  where as in the windows forms we can't place one control in another control.

Editors and IDE's for Ruby on Rails development

You can find IDE's and Editors from the following list......

http://netbeans.org/downloads/ - Freeware

http://sourceforge.net/projects/radrails/ - Freeware

http://redcareditor.com/ - Freeware

http://macromates.com/  (For Mac OS)

http://www.e-texteditor.com/ (Text Editor)

http://www.sapphiresteel.com/ (Best IDE for those who knows .NET)



Any feedback/comments/suggestions appreciate...!!!!!!!!!!
I hope this will be helpful to you.......;-)

How to display list of records in view without using any blocks or loops in RoR?

We can display list of records in a rails view file without writing any loops or blocks by using the collection object. Follow the following example.

<%= render :partial => "users/user", :collection => @users %> 

Create a partial user user the users folder in that partial we can display the results without writing any loops or blocks by simply using the user object.

<strong>User Name:</strong
<%= user.name %> 

<%= user.location %> 

What is the difference between render & redirect_to in Ruby on Rails?

The redirect_to method causes the browser to redirect from one page to the other page. This is the method in the ActionController module Base class method.


redirect_to :action => "index"

redirect_to :back  which redirects to the back from which page the user comes. This is the (i.e :back) short form for request.env[""HTTP_REFERER]

Render method simply renders a template without calling the specified action or redirecting to the specified action.


render :action => "new"

Java Script Resources

http://rubular.com/ (Regular Expression Test Editor)

http://regxlib.com/ (Regular Expressions)

http://livevalidation.com/ (Implementing client side validations)




Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheets




Rails useful plugins & gems

Files Upload


Rails Authentication






Admin Interfaces









http://github.com/mexpolk/flow_pagination (twitter like pagination)









Permalink Generation



Image Processing





Content Management System (CMS)



Any comments/feedback's/suggestions appreciate...!!! 

Services Offering By Google

Find following services offering by the google 


http://www.google.com/intl/en/help/faq_codesearch.html#about (Google Code Search)

http://books.google.co.in/ (Google Book Search)

http://labs.google.co.in/smschannels/browse  (SMS Channels)

http://www.chromeexperiments.com/ (Try with chrome browser)

http://www.google.com/dictionary (Dictionary)








Difference between create & save in RoR?

The create method creates a record or a set of records in the database if the validations are successful and it resturns a status whether the object has been saved into the database successfully or not.

Save method checks whether the record exists if exists it updates the existing record otherwise it will create a new record and checks for the validation by default. If there are any callbacks available it will execute upon the successful. If we want to stop performing validations while creating an object then you need to pass perform_validation=false as argument to the save method.

Difference between delete & destroy in RoR?

The delete method simply deletes the record based on the records primary key and no call backs will be performed.

Destroy method deletes the record from the database and can execute the callbacks if any like before_destroy, after_destroy and observer methods and any dependent records.

Features added in .NET framework 3.5

1) New language features in C#.NET
2) Lambda Methods
3) Extension Methods
4) Expression Trees
5) LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
6) Enhancemets to WCF and WF
8) Paging support for ADO.NET
9) Anonymous Types

Features added in .NET framework 3.0

1) Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
2) Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
3) Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
4) Windows CardSpace

Features added in .NET framework 2.0

1) Generics
2) Partial Classes
3) Nullable Types
4) Added new ASP.NET web controls
5) Membership Provider
6) Data tables
7) Iterators
8) Anonymous Methods
9) New personalization features themes, skins, master pages and web parts
10) New data controls with declarative data binding
11) SQL Server Integration such as integration with stored procedures, triggers...etc. Instead of writing T-SQL we can write the stored procedures within the program.

RoR vs .NET

Ruby on Rails supports a concept of plugins and gems Similarly .NET supports private assemblies and shared assemblies.

RoR          .NET
===          ============
Plugin        Private Assembly
Gem          Shared Assembly
yaml files    resource files (For localization and globalization)

A rails plugin is a  a ready made functionality that can be easily integrated into any rails application.A plugin exists in the rails application folder. Suppose if you want to implement the same functionality in another application we need to copy the plugin into this application. No different versions of plugins exist within the same folder. If there is another version of the plugin available then we have to replace the existing version of the plugin.

Same as plugin a Private Assembly is also a piece of ready made functionality exist within the application folder. No different versions of the private assemblies exist within the same folder.

A gem is a ready made functionality that is available to the all rails applications available in the machine. Different versions of the gems can exist within the same folder.

Shared Assembly is a piece of ready made functionality that can be available to the all .NET applications within the system. So that we can use the all available functions within the shared assembly in our .NET application. Shared assemblies lies in the global assembly cache (GAC). Different versions of assemblies can exist within the GAC.


We can perform the server side validations very easily in both the technologies. In RoR there are some predefined methods are available in the ActiveRecord module itself. using these methods we can easily validate the form fields.

In .NET there are 6 types of validation controls are available. Using these controls we can validate the form fields at the server side. These are the controls we can simply place these controls on the form and associate the control attributes to the corresponding form fields.

The following are the validation controls available in both the technologies


1) Required Field Validator: Checks for the required field validation
2) Compare Validator: It checks for the datatype check and value checks
3) Regular Expression Validator: Validates the given value with the regular expression
4) Range Validator: Checks for the given value is in the specified range
5) Custom Validator: Allows us to write our own validations
6) Validation Summary: It displays all the error messages in one place


1) validates_presence_of: Checks for required field
2) validates_uniqueness_of: Checks for  uniqueness
3) validates_numericality_of: Checks for the numeric field
4) validates_size_of/validates_length_of: Both are the aliase methods checks the length of the field
5) validates_format_of: Checks for the value against the given regular expression
6) validates_confirmation_of: Checks with the confirmation fields like confirm password, confirm email...etc
7) valiades_inclusion_of: Checks the given value is in the specified list/not
8) validates_acceptence_of: Checks for whether the given terms/conditions accepted/not
9) validate: This method is used to write our own custom validations
and some more are available

Any comments/suggestions/feedbacks are appreciate...!!!!!

Useful Mozilla Add-ons

https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6249/ (Google Toolbar to know the page rank info and to access the other google related sites quickly)

https://addons.mozilla.org/en-uS/firefox/addon/1843/ (Firebug for editing and debugging the CSS, HTML and JavaScript of the web pages)

https://addons.mozilla.org/en-uS/firefox/addon/60/ (Web Developer for accessing the web pages styles, java script information)

https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2109/ (FEBE for taking the backups of the existing firefox extensions that are installed)

https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/66589/ (Screen Capture for taking the screen shots of the web pages in different format types)

Any feedback/comments/suggestions appreciate...!!!!!!!!!!
I hope this will be helpful to you.......;-)

What is Ruby?

Ruby is an object oriented programming language originated in Japan created by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 90's. He created this language influenced by the features in the other languages like perl and python.

Ruby Language Resources

http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ (Ruby Documentation)
http://ruby-doc.org/ (Ruby Language Documentation)